Thanks to one of my grandma's dear friends, I recently jumped over the $1,000 mark in fundraising for the 3-Day. I don't believe I've ever met her, but she's donated both in 2007 and this year (and obviously, I really appreciate it.)

And there's $1,300 to go with 113 days left until the walk.

But, before you ask how the heck I'm going to raise $1,300 in four months in a horrible economy, let's pause and reflect on I got here:

* I made hundreds of (in my mind) cute and funny note cards with breast cancer slogans and a few scarves and sold them at three craft shows this fall. I left the first one early because there were NO customers whatsoever and sitting there was only inspiring me to buy things from other vendors. I missed a good portion of another one I did with my mom because she slid on some black ice going to it and totaled her car (although my dad was in denial for several weeks that the car was, in fact, totaled. It was.)

* I organized a wine tasting and raffled off a ton of handmade purses and whatnots, including several that my mom made and a few "brassiere" purses that I and Danielle made. The best part was informing menfolk that they had won handmade purses, including a rather intoxicated friend of the wine shop owner who just wandered into the event.

* I found a Thorlos promotion in which they would donate almost half the cost of their socks to me if I provided a certain number of orders. I was planning to restock anyway because I love their super-padded socks, so in the end, I sent a few e-mails to other 3-Day participants and ended up with almost $100 in donations.

* And, of course, I sent the usual round of fundraising letters and e-mails.

So what am I going to do now, you wonder? I will be standing outside at least one local Walmart asking for donations and hosting a charity garage sale. And fervently praying that both are rousing successes ;)
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