There are plenty of diversions in the land of no cell-phone reception. My favorites are two kitties, a big doggy and tons of chickens. And tons of open space to play ball with BlackJack.

I'm spending Labor Day weekend on my parents' "farm," with a little side trip to the Hoopeston Sweetcorn Festival. I haven't been to the little town that set the scene for my first job in months (maybe years) but I kind of felt like a little drive down memory lane. And all the buttery sweet corn you can eat for $2.

As for The Curly One, he hasn't had too much luck making friends here.

Xena (or Gabby, I don't know) ran up a utility pole at the sight of him. There was some hissing and growling from both the cats.

He LOVED the chickens but the feeling SO wasn't mutual. They, too, ran.

And Peabody (strings of drool and all) waited for someone to play with him. He waited a long time.

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