Here's a letter I received from someone doing the Avon walk:

Dear Jillian,

By the time you finish reading this, another woman in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer. Every three minutes, someone is hearing those dreaded words, you've got breast cancer.

My mom heard those words fifteen years ago. Instead of prom, boys, makeup, and bio class, my working vocabulary transitioned into hospital lingo like chemo, wigs, radiation, and bone marrow transplant.

Six weeks after I graduated high school, and a few weeks before college, my mom died on July 15, 1999.

Because of my mom, I have decided to participate in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer (2 day - 40 mile walk in October).

As part of the event, I pledged to raise money. Anyone can make a donation, so that I can reach my fundraising goal of $1800.

I am eager to get started with my fundraising and I need your support! Your contribution will help to support medical research into the possible causes of and cure for breast cancer, education and early detection programs, and clinical care and support services for women with breast cancer in communities across the country. There is a special focus on helping medically underserved women, the poor, minorities, the elderly, or those with inadequate health insurance. And much of the money granted by the Foundation goes back to the communities where it was raised, supporting everything from local grassroots programs to national organizations.

Any amount you can give is great; I just appreciate your support.

It is faster and easier than ever to support this great cause - you can make a donation online by simply clicking on the link at the bottom of this message. Knowing how bad the economy is, please give as much as you can at this time for this very important cause.

If you can't donate at this time, please take the time to forward this email to your friends.

Breast cancer takes another life every 14 minutes. But it only takes one minute to donate.

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